His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure. 他的策略是使反对派陷入错综复杂的议会程序之中。
British Parliamentary procedure is perplexing at the best of times. 即使在最好情况下,英国议会的程序也很费解。
( parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion. (议会程序)提出制造一项正式运动的人。
The right to address an assembly, as granted under parliamentary procedure 发言权议会程序中所授予的在会议上发言的力权
Two Harvard undergraduates produce bulletins and updates for the participants, and moderate the proceedings using standard parliamentary procedure. 两位哈佛学生负责提供及更新公告,并通过标准的议会程序调节会议进程。
A two thirds majority in parliamentary procedure requires at least two thirds of the entire membership ( as two thirds of those present and voting) vote in favor. 议会议事规则中的三分之二多数是指全体出席及有投票权的代表中的三分之二均投赞成票。
He has parliamentary procedure and the rules and traditions of the house of Commons at his fingertips. 他对议院法和下议院的传统惯例都非常熟悉。
A committee is a deliberative assembly, an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure for making decisions. “委员会”是一个协商会议,一个由代表组成,按议事程序讨论议题并做出决策的有序组织。
This is not in accord with parliamentary procedure. 这是不符合议会程序的。
As a former mp, he is well versed in parliamentary procedure. 作为前任国会议员,他对国会的程序了如指掌。
A question as to whether the current proceedings are allowed by parliamentary procedure. 关于议会程序是否允许当前行为的问题。
Comparatively perfect parliamentary organizations and rules of procedure came into being in the United Kingdom, France and Germany during their hundreds of years 'operation. 在数百年的运作过程中,西方各国逐渐形成了相对完善的议会组织机构、议事规则,英、法、德三国各有不同。